We understand that home maintenance and improvements can be expensive. NeighborWorks Green Bay administers the City of Green Bay’s Home Improvement Loan Program to assist low- to moderate-income homeowners with exterior and/or interior improvements.
Please visit the City of Green Bay’s website for further information.
We’ve identified that this is a large need in our community, therefore there is an anticipated wait list for acceptance.
Who is eligible
Homeowners must meet the following guidelines:
- Income at or under 80% of the area’s median income
- Owner occupied up to three-unit structures
- Must have owned the home for at least 1 year or have equivalent equity
- All code violations must be corrected
- Current on property taxes and mortgage loan
- Flood insurance is required if located in 100 year floodplain
Program details
- 0% interest, deferred payment second mortgage loan of up to $35,000
- Due back if the home is sold, ownership changes, home is no longer owner-occupied.
Exterior improvements are given the highest priority and may include:
- Doors
- Gutters
- Insulation
- Roofs
- Siding
- Trim
- Windows
- Garages
Interior improvements are eligible if the exterior is up to code and may include the following:
- Electrical services
- Plumbing
- Furnaces
- Kitchens
- Bathrooms
Property location
- The property must be located within the City of Green Bay.

STEP 1: Application
Fill out the interest form below to get in touch with our lending staff.
We will send you a short application to gather information about the repairs needed. Fill out and return as soon as possible as this is first come first serve.

STEP 2: Decision
When your name comes to the front of the list, our lending staff will be in touch to complete a full intake with you and collect income documents to determine your eligibility. For more details on the process after, see below.
This entire process can take up to 12 months to complete.
Determine eligibility for program
NWGB performs a scope of your home
Homeowner will need to find 3 contractors for estimates. You will receive a list from NWGB
Once contractor chosen, HILP team will go to loan committee for approval.
Once loan committee approved, loan paperwork will need to be completed and signed.
Once loan closes after 3 day Right to Cancel inspector will let contractor know to start work.
Contractor will be in contact with homeowner to schedule when to start work.
Work is complete, contractor will send final invoice to NWGB
Interest Form
Once you fill this form out, NeighborWorks Green Bay staff will be in touch with you within 2 business days with your next steps.